Dear Family,
I am no longer in Birkenhead which was no suprise at all. It was sad to leave there since my time was so short and I loved being working in a trio. Elders Ashcraft, Herrin, and I had a lot of fun together. It is now only those two in Birkenhead. Charlotte is still doing well. Now she just has to be taught and live the commandments. We weren't able to see Steve at all last week because of family matters throughout the whole week. I was able to see him the day before I left and hopefully all will work out.
But, that is enough sad news. The good news is that I am serving in a place called South Ribble/Leyland. It is between Preston and Chorley and the River Ribble is where a lot of the first converts in England were baptized. I am now serving with Elder Cole who is from Ohio. We do use bikes in this area so that will be a new experience. It's been ages since I have done any leg work besides running after people and my legs were already getting tired only about 10 min on a bike to here. Ha I'm so out of shape I hate it. But the bike will be a big help.
I also got a call two days ago from one of the Assistants. He said that President wants me to get started on obtaining a UK driver's license, which is quite the process here. So at some point, I'm going be learning how to drive a manual and on the other side of the road. Exciting and nervous since I haven't done either before.
My new address is:
66 Leyland Lane
6 The Tiger
Leyland, LANCS
PR25 1XA
The weather in England has been amazing! It has been so nice and sunny and perfect to do missionary work. Perfect for Easter as well. Speaking of holidays, Mother's Day is coming up soon and I will be able to do it on Skype again so I will need your Skype address again. The not so good news is that it will most likely have to be at 6:30 in the morning for you due to a broken family situation for Elder Cole and a fireside we are attending that evening. That is the most likely situation and I apologize for that.
Keep working towards the mission Colton and make sure you are doing all that you can to stay away from the influence of evil. Remember this: "Satan don't kick no dead dogs." He doesn't care about the ones that are already bad because he doesn't have to do anything to influence them. He only wants the good ones. You're definitely a dog that is alive and well and he knows that. Do all you can to come closer to the Lord.
Exciting stuff for Paker! Tell them I send my love and congrats. People already getting married sounds so silly. It makes me feel so old and I don't want to turn twenty in a week and a half, but all good things must come to an end (except the gospel).
I got Zach's letter a little over a week ago and I was laughing throughout the whole thing. That letter made my night and I enjoyed it a lot. I'll probably write him back most likely on Monday. You won't get an email on Monday due to the bank holiday.
The pictures I have are the trio, Elder Jolliffe and the other missionary he trained, and Elder Darrow. Elder Darrow was a Zone Leader in Liverpool who meant a lot to me and taught me some great things on our two day exchange in Southport. He goes home today back to Arizona where he was a national championship wrestler. He had a scholarship to wrestle at Stanford and turned it down to go on a mission. I didn't hear about any of that until Elder Ashcraft told me. We talked about wrestiling on our exchange but he never mentioned any of that. Shows his humility.
I love and wish you all a happy Easter! Go England!