A Light unto England Manchester

Monday, May 23, 2011

Week 34-Manchester England-South Ribble/Leyland

Hello from raining Enlgand!

It has been wet pretty much for a week now and I am definitely ready for the sun to come back. The rain has been on and off most days but it is always threatning. But its the rain that makes England... England I guess.

My talk went well yesterday. As I mentioned last week, it was on "Coming unto Christ." I started out by asking two questions 1. "Why should we come unto Christ?" and 2. "How can I come unto Christ?" I mentioned how I'm asked when talking to people how can Christ help them. I then gave an experience of how at basketball practice we would run, run, and run to the point that when we got a water break, no amount to water could quench my thirst. I then went to John 4 and expounded on the story of the Woman of Samaria at Jacob's Well.

I like to let the scriptures do the teaching and told the congregation that Christ offers us "living water" in other words, the love of God (1 Nephi 11:25). Love is one of, if not, the most powerful feelings us as humans have. Heavenly Father's love is perfect and never ends. Because of His love, he provides not only peace and happiness not only in this life, but in the eternities. That is what Christ offers. No amount of worldly possessions, passions, and vices can quench that thirst we all want gone. Only Christ and His teachings can because He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

I then answered question two by using a quote in Preach My Gospel on pg. 116. How we come closer to Christ is through our faith in Him. The quote mentions strengthening our faith by diligent scripture study, prayer, dedicated service, and obedience to the commandments and promptings the Holy Ghost gives us.

I went on to expound once we are doing these things we must become. The way we get closest to Christ is becoming as He and our Heavenly Father are (3 Nephi 27:27, Matt. 5:48). I used Helaman 3:35 to expound how we become once we have applied. We must purify and sanctify our lives yielding to our Father in Heaven's will. I then bore my testimony. This was pretty much all of it and Bishop Adam didn't want me to speak too long. I don't have the notes in front of me but I'm pretty sure this was what my notes said.

Kim came to church as well. She seemed to really enjoy it and had a smile on the whole time. The only thing she seems to be apprehensive about to this point is Joseph Smith. She believes all of the doctrine and I feel she has felt the Spirit confirm to her multiple times that he was a prophet. We are hoping to resolve that concern by watching the Joseph Smith movie shown in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building tonight. I have felt over the past week that she needs to see this film. Joseph's life alone is a testimony to me that he was a prophet of God. Her baptism date is June 4th. Pray that she recieves a spiritual witness and that she progresses to her baptismal date.

A miracle that came from using the Book of Mormon was from a new investigator named Rob. We spoke to Rob on the street earlier in the week and really focused on the Book of Mormon and how it related to him and his beliefs. We weren't able to set up an appointment but we left our details on a pass-along card. The next day, we felt good about a street to go tract and when we were heading home, we saw Rob again and he asked me if he could have a copy of the Book of Mormon. Through that conversation, we were able to see him a couple of days later. He is eager to learn more about the gospel. We are seeing him again tomorrow and I hope that all goes well there. He seeks for knowledge in all things. He is in his fifties and is a very nice man. Pray that we will be able to teach him and help him come to church.

Some compasses I noticed this week were the ward and its leaders, my mission leaders and mission president. I love how Elder Holland mentioned in that talk you just shared with me that faith is looking forward. That was put so dbrillantly and I learned a lot from what he mentioned. I meet people everday who dwell on the negatives of others around them or the condescending things they have heard and/or researched. They are not being Christlike as Elder Holland explains. Thank you for sharing that talk with me Big Fella. That is how those I mentioned above our compasses. They can recieve revelation for their callings through their faith. They continually look forward.

Thank you for the wonderful gifts you gave me for my birthday. I also forgot to mention last week to thank you also for the wonderful letter you sent me Mom. It touched my heart and I appreciated your words and your thoughts. Thanks for the effort put into that and I look forward to recieving the other letters as well when they arrive.

Wednesday we are having another Sports Day! I'm very excited to put my Kobe's back on and touch a ball again. My knee has been feeling quite well but I will make sure not overdue anything. Transfers are next Wednesday (June 1) so you will either hear from me on that day or the Thursday following.

I had that chocolate pudding at the Bishop's house in Birkenhead. It was probably my favortie dessert I have had thus far with a close second to apple crumbe and hot custard.

I want you all to know that I have seen your growth as well since I have been serving. Your testimonies have strengthened and you are all striving to become. I exhort that you continue to do so. I love you all very much and will hear from the emails you send next Tuesday.


P.S. Thanks for sending the pictures of Colton's Prom. Looking good Spock, but you should have went with the Bond look. You would have looked even that much more brillant in your appearance :)

P.S.S. I would like to request if you would, a collection of all of your emails and mine throughout my mission. I would like to see all of those together when the time comes. Would that be okay?